Why Autometed App Recovery tests are key to Application Resilience!

Application environment DR tests have always been a *Toil* - repetitive, manual but automatable, and the complexity grows as application services grow! So, organizations do not regularly run them, sometimes like Never Ever Run Them at all. However, without those DR tests, there is no way to ensure application resiliency. And those DR tests should be regular and should not be taxing your teams. By the way, tests should adapt to your ever-changing production environments where configurations, data, and services continually change. Moreover, cloud costs of running regular tests should be taken into accounts as well. Appranix has an easy solution - we have completely automated the entire DR test process.

Speaker - Govind Rangasamy, Founder and CEO, Appranix
  • Let bots run your entire cloud application test recoveries with a simulation policy
  • Reduce cost with recovery profiles using spot instances
  • Eliminate complexity with Appranix’s continuously adapting environment time machine
  • Be confident that your applications are now resilient to multitudes of downtime problems

You can subscribe to Appranix SRA Protect Service right from the Amazon Marketplace. You can create an Appranix account, discover AWS environment, protect and recover in literally under one hour. You can cancel anytime if you don't like the service.

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